Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trials Along the Trails

"At the Lord's command, the people of Israel left the Sin Desert and moved from place to place." 
- Exodus 17:1, NLT

For us as leaders, life is more than just setting a goal and then achieving it. God works in our lives, families, small groups, and churches in the midst of the journey, as we move from place to place. Often that journey is longer and harder than we had hoped, planned, or imagined. Always we face trials along the trails. But God is at work during the journey, leading us, guiding us, maturing us, and working through us.

What the Israelites forgot and we must remember is that the same God who has led the way on the journey will provide for us during that journey. The question is not always, "How quickly can we get to the destination?" but "What can we be learning along the way? How can God use us during this part of the journey?"

Lord, just as you led the Israelites by a pillar of cloud at day and a pillar of light at night, you guide us along our journeys today. As you lead us to your Promised Land, we know you are with us, even in the wilderness, even in our times of trials and tests. You will not leave us nor forsake us. You are for us, so who can be against us? As I walk with you today on this part of the journey, help me to sense your presence with me.

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